After the Ball is Over.......................

On a previous occasion I've shown you what happens before the Show - this year I didn't get my camera phone out until after the doors had shut.

This was The Arena at Peterborough on the night BEFORE the Show............. (with Chairman Nigel on some errand or other)

............ and this was the same scene around an hour after the Show had closed. Most of the traders were packed up and gone........


.................... and Linda was well on her way to being loaded.


In fact, all that was left to do was to dismantle the temporary loading track.


Layouts can take a while to dismantle...................


.......... and even longer to pack in the van!


For some, after the Show is a time to chill out.


Linda's "little whoopsie" (the result of a child twiddling a valve) was easily cleared by a member of the Arena Team with a Magic Spray....................


.................. and a floor cleaning machine - he assured me he's had to clean up much worse spills!


All the other rubbish had ben binned...............


............. and the tables had been gathered and stacked...........


.......... ready for the contractor to collect and load them.

At long last, the organising team get a moment to relax and chat,

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Page Created on 1st April 2012