16mm Association - 2009 National Garden Railway Show

This is a sight most of you don't get to see - Hall 2 at Stoneleigh virtually empty, just after 0730 on Show Day...........


....... with not a lot of people (or stands) yet arrived.

Have YOU ever seem Member - to Member Sales THIS quiet?


"Brian said he wanted a better PA - here it is arriving!"


Other people were also recording the occasion.


Rob Bennett had his usual eclectic mix of figures - how many can YOU identify?


Nearly there!


Jon Mead borrowed my camera a couple of times, with the (rare) result that I actually get to appear on my own Web page!


Jon and Doug Willsmer - two more members of the Help & Advice Team.


Jon Orson (half of the main organising duo) in "Oh no - it's a camera!" mode!


John and Andy Cooper (the other half of the main organising duo) enjoy a well-earned coffee.


Meanwhile, outside the crowds were gathering....................


.......... ready to storm the building once the doors were opened.

"I have a complaint! I can't get near enough to the Help & Advice Stand to get Helped & Advised!"

Tag in "loco clinic" mode.......... (Jon Mead)

Brian & Chairman Nigel exchange a few words (Jon Mead)

Tag mends the MDLR's "Lady Sybil" (Jon Mead)

The Junior Wagon Train was a great success - see the video HERE.

After the Show - it's break down time!

Let's get those tables down...........

William helping to pack

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Page Created on 5th April 2009, at about 0430