The first loco I saw in service on this visit was Chairman Nigel's coal-fired NG15........

............ seen here with the man himself!

Bob Newton had succumbed to a rake of American stock.........

......... whilst Terry Pearce's Model of the Month put in another appearance.

My own contribtion was some IP Engineering super-power, in the shape of no less the THREE locos on a PW train!

Ray Thompson brought his radio controlled battery electric railbus " 'cos it's easier than steam!"

Daniel Town had brought his dad's Merlin Mayflower, which is on its third boiler.........

The Ladies settled down for a good natter...........

Ray and Bob chatting over the latter's slip-eccentric meths-fired Lady Anne.

These coaches were made by a retailer in the south of England - they're basically perspex boxes with self-adhesive stickers for the livery!

Ian's old Chedder Hercules did a circuit or two............

........ whilst this double Fairlie (powered by an oscillating steam motor) hauled a rake of vintage FR coaches.

Andrew Mitchell produced this nice train behind a rather newer Lady Anne.........

Harry from Northampton brought this nice WLLR train - the wall was useful for sitting on, too!

A rather nice Caradoc with Playmobil coaches............

......... driven by a very serious young driver!

............ and here's the video!

Page Completed on 30th August, 2010

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