On the way to John's from Derby..............


......... I noticed a bubblecar at the newly-reopened (March 2008) Idrigehay station on the Ecclesbourne Valley Line from Duffield to Wirksworth. Note the old solar-powered crossing light installation.


Awaiting departure back to Wirksworth.


In due course, it set off through the new crossing gates............


.......... heading back up the valley.


At John's, it was a little busy.............


..... with a good crowd in attendance and considerable waits for a running slot.


This is NOT an Accucraft Baldwin - this one goes!


It looked well on a rake of GVT stock including some of the late Max Bryce's stock.


Another ex-Bryce item was this Steamcraft Mountaineer, which kept his owner VERY fit as it took some time to settle down and it is a manual loco!


As usual, the gricers amongst us found ways to take "interesting" photos and video.............


The MDLR's new (and as yet incomplete) PW train made its first appearance............


..... and there was, as always, plenty of conversation.


This meths-fired Roundhouse Lady Anne brought back some memories - "Wow, aromatics!"


A view from one level up.


The dog was well behaved (apart from when he knocked the table over.....)


Roger Coleman brought back more memories with his Dylan.


Another ex-Bryce loco was this Merlin Beck example, running but still needing a little work.


"Look, train!!"


Kevin was having difficuly getting both ends of his Steamcraft Double Fairlie alight...........


A Fairlie rare event - two together.

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Page Created on 26th April 2008